New Jersey’s #1 Metal Roofing Installer

Rainwater Harvesting is the process of capturing and storing rainwater, so that it can be used as needed. We offer four types of rainwater harvesting systems:
Water conservation experts have known for a while the more clean and smooth the roof surface, the higher quantity of water can be collected and stored. Standing seam metal roofing systems create an ideal platform for rainwater harvesting as they lose little amounts of water compared to tar and gravel roofing systems, which can lose an average of 10 to 15 percent due to runoff.
Installing a rainwater harvesting system benefits not only your home, but also your local community as it reduces demand on the water supply as well as run-off, erosion, and contamination of surface water. It is not uncommon for a community as a whole to average 30 to 50 percent of water usage for landscaping irrigation. Rainwater harvesting systems drastically help these communities.
If you have additional questions please contact us toll free at 888-234-2929.